Welcome to the website of St Luke's Church Kingston
Since its formation in the 1880s St Luke's Parish has sought to make known the love of Christ through its outreach and service to the community and its devotion to the Anglo-Catholic tradition of the Church of England.through its commitment to the Sacramental life, preaching and teaching and the worship of God in the beauty of music and ceremony.
The Parish strives to be a welcoming and inclusive family that upholds the teaching, traditions and understanding of the Faith as delivered through the ages.
St Luke's looks to the Bishop of Fulham for its sacramental and pastoral care whilst seeking to play a meaningful part in the life of the Diocese of Southwark.
Music has always been an important part of worship at St Luke's and with the recently restored Lewis Organ the Parish is embarking upon the endowment of scholarships to encourage young organists and choristers. There is a creative link with Tiffin School and its Boys Choir and Mixed Chamber Choir provide regular Choral Evensong.
On Sundays the 8am Mass follows the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) lectionary while the 10.30am Sung Mass follows the common lectionary of the universal Church. The 5pm BCP Evening Prayer provides a reflective opportunity for worship and prayer.
Throughout the year the Parish joins with local community activities and the Swinnerton Hall and Vicarage Gardens are focal points for community and family celebrations..

This Week's Service sheet